Speakers for the Virtual Training
Please note: training speakers will be added as confirmed.

Reverand Dr. William J Barber II
President, Repairers of the Breach; Co-chair, The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival; Founding Director and Professor, The Center for Public Theology & Public Policy at Yale University

Miguel Bermudez
Student, University of Florida; Vice-Curator, Global Shapers Orlando Hub; Climate Reality Leader, 2024 NYC Training
Alaura Carter
Senior Program Manager EPA Region III Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center; National Wildlife Federation

Sarah Eagle Heart
Co-Founder of Eagle Heart Collectiv, The Indigenous Fashion Collective and Return to the Heart Foundation; SVP Tribal Business Development, True Family Enterprises

Laura Gardner
Co-Chair, Climate Reality Massachusetts Southcoast Chapter; Teacher Librarian; Climate Reality Leader, 2019 Minneapolis Training

Michelle Jackson
Executive Director, Sustainable Community Farms; President, Chandler Park Neighborhood Association; Climate Reality Leader, 2024 New York City Training

Paul Kiesler
Co-Chair, Climate Reality Project: NYC Metro Chapter; Climate Reality Leader, 2020 Global Virtual Training

Keala Minna-Choe
Leadership Team, Green Schools Campaign; Youth Environmental Action Pod (YEA Pod), The Climate Reality Project: San Diego Chapter; Climate Reality Leader, 2020 Global Virtual Training

Jamie Raskin
Member of Congress, US House of Representatives; Lead Democrat, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

Staci Roberts-Steele
Managing Director and Executive Producer, Yellow Dot Studios; Producer, “Don’t Look Up”

Terry Saucier
Co-Owner, MPower Engineering, Inc.; Program & Sustainability Chair, The Climate Reality Project San Fernando Valley Chapter

Dr. Marshall Shepherd
Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor, University of Georgia; Director, Atmospheric Sciences Program

Diane Stefani
Co-Chair, Climate Reality Finger Lakes Greater Region New York Chapter; Climate Reality Leader, 2020 Global Virtual Training

Danica Sun
At-Large Chair, The Climate Reality Project Chicago Chapter; Co-Director, Fridays for Future Chicago; Student, Stanford University