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Community Groups are Powering Up for Climate Action

Join us for our Power Up Training: From Acts to Action in April and learn how new climate laws can help you.


With the recent passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), we have a historic opportunity to speed up the just transition to clean energy, create millions of good jobs, and build healthy, thriving communities across the US. 

But passage was just the first step.

These new climate laws offer community groups and organizations working for justice wide-ranging financial incentives and other tools to help clean up our air and water and embrace clean technologies that cut both costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Navigating the ins and outs of federal legislation, funding opportunities, and requirements can be daunting, however – even for groups with years of government experience.

That's why this April, Climate Reality is offering Power Up: From Acts to Action, a free online training led by former Vice President Al Gore and experts across sectors designed to take the guesswork out of new climate laws and help you take full advantage of funding on offer to:

  • Enable low and moderate-income communities to save money with solar energy and efficiency.
  • Protect schools from pollution and other environmental hazards.
  • Replace gas appliances in the home with healthy and clean electric alternatives at no or low cost.
  • Access dedicated funding and resources for minority-owned businesses.
  • Establish green banks that help bring new opportunities and clean air and water to our communities.
  • Improve low and zero-emissions transit options so families can get to work, school, and around safely and easily.
  • Add parks and green spaces to our cities and connect communities cut apart by highways.


And that's just for starters.

Join us to learn what it takes to get the funding you need, manage reporting requirements, and use these new laws to make life better for families and neighborhoods in your state.

Power Up: From Acts to Action is free to attend with a flexible schedule designed for people with busy lives. Online training content is available on-demand from April 6-20, with two required broadcasts on April 11 and 13. Completing the training also enables you to join the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, a global community of over 45,000 advocates working to stop rising temperatures and build a just future of opportunity for us all.

With a new year comes a new era for climate action in the US. Make 2023 the year you seized the moment to become a leader in your community. Register today!