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Put Our Communities ahead of Corporate Profits


Stop the Pipeline

It’s back again. There’s another attempt by Congress to accelerate the use of oil and gas and let the fossil fuel industry build out more polluting projects.

We have to do better. Our government must put our communities ahead of corporate profits.

For decades, laws like the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) have given our communities powerful tools to protect our interests and health from unscrupulous development. Now, with the so-called “Building American Energy Security Act of 2023,” Congress could vote on legislation to limit opportunities for environmental review of polluting projects like pipelines. 

We say no way. Communities of color and frontline families are more likely to reside near fossil fuel infrastructure projects, putting them in harm’s way from pollution. We must have a voice in permitting for any pipeline or new fossil fuel development in our backyards. FULL STOP.

Take action now. Tell your representatives to protect landmark environmental laws like NEPA and oppose any legislation that would gut critical environmental and health provisions.