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Art photo of paintbrush painting factory emissions green

Calling out Greenwashing


First fossil fuel companies brought us global warming. Then they spent years fighting climate action to protect their bottom line. Now they want us to believe they're on our team and ready to lead the clean energy transition we need to stop rising temperatures.

It's greenwashing, pure and simple. And we're not buying it. At Climate Reality, we're here to call out industry lies and show the world we can build a better future without fossil fuels.


It’s time to call out these Big Polluters.

Have you seen ads from fossil fuel companies touting their commitment to sustainability?

Greenwashing abstract of people coloring over a factory photo with green markers

End fossil fuel handouts now.

We’re calling on leaders of the G20 group of major economies to end the giveaways to fossil fuel companies making billions in profit driving climate devastation.

Smoke Stack Pollution


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Real Accountability

Fossil fuel interests have made billions changing our climate and threatening our planet. It's time for them to be treated as the existential threats they are – not trustworthy partners in our common future.

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Truth in Advertising

For years, companies have used million-dollar ad campaigns to mislead us about their climate responsibility and commitments – while continuing the same business-as-usual destroying our planet. We're here to show their lies for what they are.

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An End to Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Governments worldwide use taxpayer funds to directly and indirectly subsidize the fossil fuel companies changing our climate – including some of the most profitable corporations on the planet. It's got to stop.




We believe real change comes from the ground up. We know that a small-but-committed critical mass of activists can not only transform society, but change the world. Join our email list we’ll keep you posted on how you can take action to address the climate crisis with us.

peoples climate march