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What the Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn't Want You To Know


How can we speed up the solutions to the climate crisis?

As Climate Reality's founder and chairman – former US Vice President Al Gore –explains in a riveting new talk from the 2023 TED Countdown Summit, we're seeing tremendous progress all around the world from the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in the US to new leadership by Brazil in protecting the Amazon.

But, as former Vice President Gore explains, the fossil fuel industry is using its billions in profits and wide-ranging influence to slow the energy transition and block progress everywhere from media advertising to UN climate summits. All while claiming to be working with us to confront global warming and reach net-zero.

It's time to call this greenwashing out for the dangerous threat to climate action it is. Learn more about greenwashing and what we can do by visiting our Calling Out Greenwashing campaign.